Monday, 8 December 2008

i honestly don't know how to start this, but i'm hoping i can fill this blog with happy shenanigans, new experiences, incredible photos, and general updates of my life in england. i'm going to try my best to keep in contact, so i made this blog as a convenient way to keep a bunch of people updated at once.

finals are over and on wednesday i'm driving back home to los angeles. i'm nearly done packing up everything in my room, and very soon it will be completely empty (except for the furniture and all artwork and pictures on the walls). it almost feels like i'm sleeping in someone else's room.

this is crazy! i can't believe my departure is coming up so soon. i'm trying to mentally prepare myself, which is proving to be difficult. i'll keep trying.

keep in touch, friends!!!


Jess! said...

Ahhhhhhhh! It was so weird walking into your empty room. BUT you are going to have suck a KICK ASS time - I can't wait to hear about all the crazy adventures you are going to have. Stein rule of thumb: if it seems like a dumb idea, do it. If it seems like a painful idea, don't do it.


I miss you already!

Jess! said...

I just wrote you a super long comment and then it didn't publish it. STUPID blog spot.

Alright, to keep it short and snappy, if something seems like a dumb idea, do it. That's how you are going to have awesome adventures. hahahaha

I miss you already!